
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Miss Maddie is a GRADUATE!!

A few weeks back Miss Maddie passed her Basic Level One Obedience class! We are sooooo proud.

Ok she is a tad less than thrilled about the hat, but she kept it on like a good girl. The instructor was real fast when getting it on the dogs. She got it on them before they knew what hit em. Some of the doggie reactions were funny too!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting back to Normal & Rocky Mountain Region Seminar

Now to get back to normal here in blog land and get to posting about stitching stuff!

June 17 - 19 was the Rocky Mountain Region of the Embroiderer's Guild of America Seminar held in Salt Lake City, UT. I had a great time. The guest speaker at the opening banquet was none other than Monica Ferris! She is a nice lady with a wonderful sense of humor. My only regret is that I could not get away from my table at merchandise night to get her to sign one of my books.

Tonight I will regale you with some of the goodies we got while at seminar and in another post (mostly because I forgot to take pictures yet) I will show you what I did in class.

So first is a picture of the tote bag we got and the goodies inside. They had a mystery theme with a mystery story and a mystery sampler. A chapter and a band was sent each month with the final chapter given out at the closing banquet. The band sampler will be a future blog. Here is the "Mystery by Design" tote and insides from left to right: a ziplock bag with a package of klenex, two bandaids (one I used in class after an accident with a pointed tweezers) and some sanitizing hand wipes. Stitch counters; two spools of kreink braids; a little bag of needles; a scissor (or cell phone) charm; a measuring tape; a cross stitch chart, a little bag of ceramic buttons; a clear ruler with magnified center; and another chart (this varied from bag to bag). I think that covers it! Oh yes, hard to see is the seminar pin which was shaped like a jig saw puzzle piece.

The next photo shows the gifts we got at the meals. Our registration included two lunches and two dinners. The yellow roll had the laying tool inside and was at our table for the opening banquet. The scissor and fob (colors varied) were at the first lunch; the chart and cut heart on a spool was at the table for our second lunch.

This was our closing banquet favor. A project holder to roll our project in and a "pearl" necklace. The mystery story involved the theft of a pearl necklace.

Last but not least is a picture of the favors we got during class. At top is a notepad with the paper being copies of different colors of linen. It came in the box it sits on with a small pencil.  Moving clockwise is a set of needles and a needle holder made out of a Utah quarter along with a story about the connecting of the transcontinental railroad; The ribbon is a replica of an antique needle holder; and finally is a thimble shaped beeswax and a wooden needle holder.

I think that may be enough for today!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Making Progress on New Blog

Well, using a "cached" copy of my lost blog, I was able to restore the various blog links, web links, various lists I had for WIPs and finished stuff, and the stitcher’s lingo I had at my old blog address. Lost, except if you can find a cached copy are my actual blog posts. It has been an experience I hope not to have again. Let us just say that next time I will triple check before I delete any accounts.
Next I will need to "re-follow" the blogs I had been on and things will be about normal again. I just hope all my followers can find me! At last count I had 38 signed in as followers and an untold number who just popped in once in a while.

Now I give you a blast from the past - I do have the pictures I posted if not the verbiage - so for the Fourth of July (a tad early I know) I give you this bargello beauty. It was a freebee off the net, which sadly is no longer available.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Colorado Stitcher has a new web address

I made a boo boo (which is putting it lightly) and lost my blog. I started over with the same name, but new web address. It is slightly different from the old (add an "a" in front of Colorado). I hope all my followers can find me here!!

Tell your friends!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today I was trying to change my username only to be used on my blog and not published - in the name of cyber security. Well in the process I deleted an account and with it went my original blog. I emailed google in hopes they can restore it, but I have my doubts so I am securing a new url and blog just in case.

I hope all my loyal followers (I had about 38 on my old site) can find me.1