Foothills EGA Chapter project for July was a ribbon embroidery needle book. I felt is was too large for a needle book and had so many already that I just finished it without the felt pages, to decide what to use is for later. Here is the outside of it:
That is a 6 inch ruler to give you an idea of how big it is. I made spiderweb roses and some french knots for flowers in various colors of silk ribbon. I used various shades of green ribbon for the leaves and made them using lazy daisy, french knots and leaf stitches. I was not sure how to do the stem on the pot - which was originally a piece of brown ribbon that would need to be make into the pot shape, so I changed to wool. I placed the stem under the brown wool pot and appliqued the pot down. I then did a running stitch up the stem and then did the flowers at the bottom of the topiary. I stitched the lace piece on the pot using white sewing thread and a basic sewing stitch.
Here is the inside once I decided to make it into a note pad holder. If I had decided that from the beginning I would have liked to put some stiffening inside, and maybe ribbons on the sides to tie it closed, but this still works!
I just added a strip of Ultrasuede near the top to hold the pad and the pen. I think the pad is 4 inches by 6 inches. I also embroidered my initials and the year on the backside.
That about covers it for now!