I started the American Needlepoint Guild's (ANG) 2020 Stitch of the Month (SOTM) a bit late, but I am catching up fast - the section I am working on is July. August finishes off the star and then we proceed to the back ground. It is on 12"x 12" stretcher bars.
The original is in red and blue with a cream background. I LOVE that look, but did not have the stuff in my stash. So I found two watercolors (Mountain Meadow - it has green in it) and Apple Blossom (pinks and yellows) and went from there. I had most of the type of thread called for except a good silk lame, so I am using Splendor instead. I also only had one good Neon Rays plus and am using regular Neon Rays.
The star point at upper left (kind of 10 o'clock) which is mostly pink has a small error, I accidentally used the Mountain Meadow, so it now has some green. But I figured it out after I did the last stitch and I liked the look. So, it is staying in!
Also I had a devil of a time marking the canvas. This is side two, so when I put that diagonal line in the wrong place it has to stay since I have no more canvas!! It will be covered by background anyway, so I think I am good. I also noticed I missed on one star point, but it should get covered up with background and I think we are putting in a dividing line between the star points and the background. If so, that will help too!
I have been reading in the evenings and have not picked up the Marie Antoni Sampler, so no update.
That about covers it here from HOT Arizona. Take care all!!
Happy Stitching!!