
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Smalls SAL 2017

I signed up for a fun Stitch A Long (SAL) hosted by Heather at  Stitching Lotus and I finally have something small to post!

It is a fortune cookie ornament about 5 inches across.

It was a project from my local ANG chapter. We stitched on a 5" diameter circle using one skein of watercolours and the Byzantine Stitch. I kept one 18 inch length of three strands of the water colors for the cord/finishing and used the rest to stitch the circle and used up just about all the skein!

It was fun to make!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Shell Game Framed!

This is Shell Game designed by Dakota Rogers and stitched by me. 
It was one of the ANG Chapter Projects.

It was started in 2006 and finished in March 2015 (as blogged about here). I finally got it framed. I liked the job Nick's Frame Shop did on the boot and they did a FANTASTIC job on this too. Even the sides of the shadow box are matted and the glass is Art Glass again and you can't see it.

It is even better looking in person, but that seems to be how it goes with photos.

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Cards and More Cards

Here are a few of the cards I have made the past few months for various occasions.

 This one I made for my mother in law when she retired after 49 years of being a Church Organist!

A welcome to the neighborhood card:

That is about all for now, but I am working on Halloween right now!!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Echo Canyon Framed

As I reported here in November of 2012, I completed my seminar class, Echo Canyon designed and taught by Jeanette Rees in Santa FE, NM.

Well I wanted the mat to be shaped like the stitching and never found a place until now! Nick's Frame Shop in Phoenix. They did a great job I think! Sadly, he is getting ready to retire, so I will need to find another shop. He used what he calls Red Label Art Glass and you can't tell it has glass on it - LOVE IT.

I took them seven cuts to get it looking this way and he gave me the cut outs (below). Number 8 is the charm!

Have a GREAT day!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

EGA National Seminar 2017 Report

I am a tad late with this report since the seminar was in mid August, but here goes.

Travel to Asheville, NC had a few problems: delayed take off, circling the Charlotte airport for 30 or so minutes due to weather and then almost being diverted. When we did land we had to sit on the taxi way for about 20 minutes until lightening cleared the area. I arrived about two hours late.

My roommate, Jane G., was GREAT and we had lots of fun together. I rented a car and we took advantage of off site lunches and dinners. The zipper on my purse died and she needed a wheeled bag, so we ran an errand to Kohls and Walmart one free evening.

I took two classes, caught up with old friends and generally had a good time.

Having lived in North Carolina for seven years and NEVER been to the Biltmore Estate, I took the pre-seminar tour of the estate. It was beautiful, just wish I could have stayed longer.

 Below is in the library (fan is not original decor).
 Below is a photo of the tapestry called Faith. Sorry I do not recall more details, other than it is the middle of three tapestries; Love, Faith and Hope. It is the only remaining one of Faith left in the world.

Indoor bowling - I am on a bowling league so had to take this photo. Note is it manual reset.

Water Garden, sadly all we had time to see of the gardens.

This red flowering plant was a curiosity that we still do not know what it is. It was growing in a pot outside the ice cream shop on the Biltmore Estate.

 Here is Loon Tunes by Ann Strite-Kurz, one of the classes I took. Below is the teacher's model

Here is my progress!

Close up of some EGA Seminar 2018 bling I purchased at merchandise night. Next year's EGA Seminar will be in Louisville, KY and celebrate 60 years of EGA - Diamond Jubilee!

I also took a Goldwork class with Margaret Kinsey. 
Here is the cover of our instructions followed by my progress.

The goldwork was a LOT of fun. Great teacher and the technique is not as hard as you might think.

Below is some of the goodies received at the opening banquet and the Seminar Handbook.

This covered quad rule composition book was out closing banquet gift.

Name tag and pin with the angel I received since I was class angel for Loon Tunes.

 They did a neat thing here. They reduced the schedule to fit in the clear back pocket of the name tag for easy and fast reference.

  At the closing banquet we received a cool, save the date card with a "diamond" head pen to invite us to the seminar next year. I took extras to hand out to my local EGA chapter.

Finally, here is the necklace I made. The pendant was a kit purchased pre-seminar as a Seminar 2017 fundraiser, but you were on your own on the necklace part.

That is about all for now!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

New Blog Page

I added a page along the top of my blog called De-Stash Sales. It will be a place I will post links to stuff I have on eBay and stuff I sell directly off the page (if I figure out how to do that).

I have one item on there so far, not stitching related, but plan to add some charts and kits as I de-stash and make room for more of coarse!!

So check it out once in a while if you like and let me know what you think of this idea.

Friday, July 14, 2017

EGA National Seminar 2017

The 2017 EGA National Seminar is in Asheville, NC. I am going and leaving hubby home with the puppy! I hope the house is in one piece when I get back.

From 1999 to 2007, I lived in NC and look forward to seeing friends from that time at Seminar and one of them has a brand new needlework shop nearby I hope to get to as well.

I enjoy seminars for many reasons, but mostly to catch up with stitchers I now only see at Seminars since I have moved away. I originally joined EGA while living in Iowa, and have been a member since while living in North Carolina and Colorado. It is also fun to meet new stitchers in the various classes I take.

With EGA, the opening banquet has seating by Region. I know lots of people in the Region I just left, Rocky Mountain, but few if any in my new Pacific Southwest Region. I am still a member of my Foothills chapter in Colorado and could probably sit with them, but it is also good to move on and meet new folks. But I will definitely be checking out the Rocky Mountain Region table!

This will be my 5th EGA Seminar and 6th seminar over all since 2001. My first seminar was the ANG seminar in 2001. Ever since that seminar I have had a special needlework savings account just so I can go to seminars!! It does add up after all.

I am taking two, two day classes.

One is Pathways by Margaret Kinsey. I will say the design is not my style, but I want to learn the technique and missed her when she came to Colorado. I hear she is a good teacher and I know I will enjoy the class since I love to learn new techniques and am willing to try them at least once. Here is the supply list:

Pictured below is a board I have for beading that is covered with blue velvet that I think will work, but if anyone out there knows differently, please let me know.

I am also taking a canvas piece by Ann Strite-Kurz called Loon Tunes. I have never taken a class from her and have heard good things, so I thought now is the time. Plus I like birds including Loons!! I did not notice it had pre-work when I signed up, however!

There are two pre-work assignments to get done, but first we are to baste the centers and top and bottom before the assignments. So the pre-work has pre-work! Sort of.

I have the basting done! Yippee. Hard to see in the photo, but green basting lines are in!!

That about covers is for now!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Puppy & Stitching

Well the puppy is getting bigger (over 10 pounds now) and I am finding times in the day I can stitch. Up to now I was only stitching once a week at club meetings! I am also finding more computer time, so we are getting a little more back to normal!

I have a folder on my desk top called "copies for blog" where I put photos to blog about before I file them away. These were in it so, here you go!!

First (from April) a pretty blooming cactus in my neighborhood.

I am a member of the Desert Threaders EGA chapter and this was one of our projects this past year. A wool applique pin cushion. 

I am also a member of the Saguaro ANG chapter and this is a project we did to learn a finishing technique called envelope finishing. 
Here it is just off the stretcher bars followed by  both sides of the finished piece.

In my finish finishing basket is my progress on an ANG Chapter Project Notebook project - a collapsible ort box. Which I have been working on and off again for a few years. 
I am getting so close to finishing it, I should get back to it!!!  
And I love my clover clips to hold stuff together instead of pins.

This is the scene behind my back while I am on the computer. 
Unless she is on the other side of the chair in which case I may see a nose.

That is all for now!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Pillow and Pup

I personal goal of  mine was to make at least one stitched item for all my nieces and nephews. I met that goal this year when I made this Iowa Hawkeyes mini pillow for nephew Sam!

The chart was from, the only change I made was to use black fabric to stitch on rather than stitch the black background.

Below you will see where Little Coco sleeps when I am on the computer. She can see me and when I turn around I can see her. So far so good!

Not much else going on here, hope your day is going well!!