Travel to Asheville, NC had a few problems: delayed take off, circling the Charlotte airport for 30 or so minutes due to weather and then almost being diverted. When we did land we had to sit on the taxi way for about 20 minutes until lightening cleared the area. I arrived about two hours late.
My roommate, Jane G., was GREAT and we had lots of fun together. I rented a car and we took advantage of off site lunches and dinners. The zipper on my purse died and she needed a wheeled bag, so we ran an errand to Kohls and Walmart one free evening.
I took two classes, caught up with old friends and generally had a good time.
Having lived in North Carolina for seven years and NEVER been to the Biltmore Estate, I took the pre-seminar tour of the estate. It was beautiful, just wish I could have stayed longer.
Below is in the library (fan is not original decor).
Below is a photo of the tapestry called Faith. Sorry I do not recall more details, other than it is the middle of three tapestries; Love, Faith and Hope. It is the only remaining one of Faith left in the world.
Indoor bowling - I am on a bowling league so had to take this photo. Note is it manual reset.
Water Garden, sadly all we had time to see of the gardens.
This red flowering plant was a curiosity that we still do not know what it is. It was growing in a pot outside the ice cream shop on the Biltmore Estate.
Here is my progress!
Close up of some EGA Seminar 2018 bling I purchased at merchandise night. Next year's EGA Seminar will be in Louisville, KY and celebrate 60 years of EGA - Diamond Jubilee!
I also took a Goldwork class with Margaret Kinsey.
Here is the cover of our instructions followed by my progress.
The goldwork was a LOT of fun. Great teacher and the technique is not as hard as you might think.
Below is some of the goodies received at the opening banquet and the Seminar Handbook.
This covered quad rule composition book was out closing banquet gift.
Name tag and pin with the angel I received since I was class angel for Loon Tunes.
They did a neat thing here. They reduced the schedule to fit in the clear back pocket of the name tag for easy and fast reference.
At the closing banquet we received a cool, save the date card with a "diamond" head pen to invite us to the seminar next year. I took extras to hand out to my local EGA chapter.
Finally, here is the necklace I made. The pendant was a kit purchased pre-seminar as a Seminar 2017 fundraiser, but you were on your own on the necklace part.
That is about all for now!!!