
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 2011 TUSAL

Here is my new moon ort report. There is a bit of The Sampler Lady, The Tulip Sampler and a special Christmas project I can't post about yet.

Happy New Moon Everyone!!

Some Sampler Guild Finishes

Here are some finishes from the Sampler Guild of the Rockies June Retreat.

The Knot Garden now framed:

Tulip Samper laying on the backing fabric - This is a complimentary mini chart from Rosewood Manor:
And finally a Summer Display on the front table with many of the Retreat Projects:

Have a GREAT DAY!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Sampler Lady is finished???

Well I have everything stitched on The Sampler Lady and even added eye glasses. Now the question is if I should do anything with the letters in her skirt???

I guess I will make the challenge to finish this by the Sampler Guild of The Rockies September 11 Meeting!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Sampler Lady Update

I have been working hard to meet the September 11 deadline and I think I will make it. I have been quite busy since last report (Aug. 11). I just have to fill in the leaves, add a few flowers and fill in the area below her feet (these are supposed to be thread spools and I need to add the thread). I decided to do French knots for my hair. I may use the suggestion by Christine to make wire eye glasses and I am not sure I like the letters. I am contemplating backstitching with dark green maybe to make the stick out more. I will wait until it is completed and decide then. As always suggestions are welcome!

I have been working on a fun surprise for my sister –in-laws 60th birthday coming up (Aug.31), getting ready for my mother in law to visit (she comes today), so it has been hectic!! I will fill you in on the birthday surprise once she gets the package, which is still in the works. I have until Saturday Aug. 27 at the latest to mail it priority mail to get it there in time. It has been fun working on and that is about all I can say for now.

Happy Monday everyone!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Little House Needleworks - The Sample Lady

Last month I started a project for Sampler Guild that was one of the yearlong project challenges obtained last September. The challenge was to finish it by the September 2011 meeting. There were three challenge projects and I chose Little House Needleworks “The Sampler Lady” (Little House Chart No. Thirty-Nine).
It was suggested we could change it a bit to make it look like ourselves. So I made the blouse peach because that is my favorite color. I also changed the skirt color since I thought the peach and the tannish color of the original was not a good combination and would wash out. I also used a strand of brown and a strand of green for the eyes to try and simulate hazel eyes. Next I need to decide on a hair color and if (and how) to make it curly – current thoughts are French knots and/or bullions. I had also considered adding glasses, but not sure I will. I want to finish it (in time) and so I can get back to my Seminar class piece.

Happy Stitching Everyone!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rocky Mountain Region Seminar 2011 Report

The Rocky Mountain Region Seminar 2011 has come and gone. It was GREAT! For this post I will tell you a bit about the Seminar and the goodies we got. In a later post I will tell you about the class I took. I took lots of pictures so here we go!

I arrived on Wednesday for some Committee Meetings and this was on the hotel's sign out front.
I was also able to pick up my registration packet early and this is what was inside:
Inside was a couple skeins of floss, a measuring tape, a red, white and blue pen, red white and blue star tissue, a sample of neon rays plus, some beads from our two bead store advertisers, hand lotion, some beads, thread and needle threader from our Brazilian Embroidery advertiser; a foothills notepad and a discount coupon from a framer. All this was inside the plastic project bag that included a cool red white and blue beaded zipper pull with charm at the end.

Here is my name tag (with Seminar pin at upper left). I finished it Wednesday night! The ribbon rosette was worn by the Seminar Committee members to let everyone know they were on the planning committee (I was the publicity person).

We had a beautiful center piece at all our meals (two lunches and two banquets). I saved it in the correct orientation, but blogger will not pull it up that way, so for moment we must tilt our heads. Or you can tip your laptop to the side.

We also got some fun favors at our meals and at the start of our classes each day (Friday and Saturday).
Below are the goodies we got on the last day. At left is the inside of the flat ort holder. You put your orts on the white fabric and they stay when you close the book to dispose of later. We got the ort book at the start of class on Saturday. In the red bag is a little booklet of needlework tip compiled by our Seminar Chair which we received at lunch. The star is a beautiful porcelain star with our Seminar Logo that was given at the closing banquet.

Below is what the packets look like unopened.
 Below are the fun things we received on the first day of classes. At top is a wool pincushion that was on our lunch setting. To the left of that is a red ort box we got the first day of class and at the bottom is a mending kit which we got at dinner and I will show in more detail next.
 Outside of our "Mend & a Fix" kit

Below is the what the inside looks like at first unfold with a little sign telling us what is inside.

 Below is the inside - (from left to right): a thread pickier; a fiber hider; counting pins and a tucking stick.

In a few days I will tell you about the fun class I took.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Count Down to Seminar!!

In two days the fun begins with many things OPEN to the PUBLIC.

This is the annual seminar of the Embroiderers Guild of America's Rocky Mountain Region. Events open to the public include: bookstore, boutique, exhibits and on Friday August 5 from 7 pm to 9 pm merchandise night. All events will be at the Doubletree Hotel, 3203 Quebec Street, Denver, CO - parking is FREE.

Thursday 8/4 – 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Friday 8/5 – 8 am to 6:00pm with merchandise night from 7 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 8/6 – 8 am to 1:30 pm

If you will be in the area please stop in!!