
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Monday, February 28, 2011

I Made it!! NaBloPoMo completed.

This post marks the last post of the month and I have posted at least once a day for the entire month of February. It got a little scary on the 22, but I got the idea to show you some of my finished projects in need of finishing and that filled in the days (probably could have done an entire month on this topic)!

Thanks for hanging in here with me, I am not sure I will be able to keep up with daily posting, despite my good start, but I will try to post more frequently than I had before. The ability to schedule posts in advance really helps with this sometimes (as long as you have a topic).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Early Works by Me

These are some of my first projects. My mom or I would buy kits and I would work them up. The one on the left came with a thick plastic frame that divided each cactus. So, the ones near the top would be sitting on a ledge not floating in the air like they seem to now. But once again, I did not know the proper way to frame, so there was tape and acid filled cardboard with this. I took it out of the frame and hope to reframe it one day.  The daisies on the right are a kit also, and it was originally in a round embroidery hoop. I took it out to dust it off. Both needed cleaning of some sort and I took these out of their frames so long ago, I don’t know how I cleaned them. You may be able to zoom and see the printing on the bottom of the daisy to see it was printed in 1982. These are the few examples I have of crewel or uncounted/stamped embroidery that I have. Not long after this I discovered counted cross stitch and the rest is history.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

An Bargello Easter Egg

This was a freebie from Rainbow Gallery called Porcelain Egg that my ANG Chapter in North Carolina did, I think in 2000 or 2001. I pulled this one out of the box and may try and finish it for Easter. I am thinking of making an oval ornament out of it, but could be tricky! If you want to see a color picture of it (as if mine was not enough) it is the last one on Rainbow Gallery’s free patterns for needlepoint page.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Some EGA Projects

I believe this was a design in my NeedleArts Magazine and I am not sure the year but I know it was done while I lived in Raleigh, NC (it was a chapter project), and since I think it was one I was supposed to teach, that would mean is was in the magazine sometime between 2004 and 2007. Does that help any? If I ever finish finish this I will try to provide more specifics – or maybe a commenter will let us know?

I know this next one is an EGA Petite Project called Coral Knot Sampler.  I did this in 1998 or 1999 as one of my first EGA projects. The Cedar Valley Chapter (Cedar Rapids, IA)  had a New Kid on the Block day and this was one of the projects.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Soul Is Fed By Needle and Thread

I believe this is a chart from The Flower Thread Company but I am not 100% sure and it is no longer on the website if that is where I got it. But I just love it. I may make it into an ornament to hang in my studio, or maybe a pin cushion? Any suggestions?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Parents 40th Wedding Anniversary (1986) Project

Here is a project I made in 1986 for my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary. It had been framed, but at the time I did not know all the correct ways to frame stuff and so over the years there had been some yellowing and I had left the masking tape on the edges. So when my dad passed away (9 years after my mother) I took it out of the frame. Not sure what I will do with it exactly, but I felt it should be saved from the tape and the cardboard and here it is.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In Need of Finish Finishing or How I Store Stuff

I thought I would dedicate this week to my projects that have been stitched, but not finish finished. So, today I thought I’d show you the smaller of my two boxes of finished items that need to be finish finished. I bought some flat archival boxes and archival tissue paper a few years back when we moved to Colorado because I wanted these items to travel relatively safely. I placed tissue paper inside the box, much like you would a gift box, and then separated each stitched item with tissue paper. I bought the kind of tissue that is to be used for textiles. It worked out fine and is a nice way to store them until I get around to making them into something. I may never do that, the fun is always in the stitching and there is only so much wall space!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lavender Pincushion made by Sandra

In continuing with this month's unofficial theme of "the month of Sandra" and following up a bit on the pin ball from I give you a pincushion pillow filled with lavendar and made by Sandra. I features a chocolate lab on front with a dog collar with the name MADDIE in cute bead letter cubes. I keep it in the corner of why work space in my studio. I think it is GREAT!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pinballs - and I don't mean machines

Last Sunday at my Sampler Guild of the Rockies meeting our program was on pinballs - not the game but ones that hold pins. If you have, or can get hold of Volume 15 of Sampler & Antique Needlework you will find starting on page 50 information about pinballs and some designs to stitch to make your own. I finish finished my pinball today and thought I'd share it with you.

Here is the "front" or stitched part.
Next I am showing you a side view.
Have a GREAT day!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Giveaway at Lightning Fingers....not!

I found a new blog to follow and there is a giveaway too! Check out Lightnig Fingers.... not! post linked here from Feb. 12. The drawing will be March 7. I see she is from Raleigh, my old stomping grounds so I look forward to being a follower.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The world's longest band sampler??

I don't know if it will make the world record book, but Sharon B over at Pin Tangle has posted the latest about her For the Love of Stitching Sampler  (a band sampler) which includes the latest band (#447) and some history about the project. It is 74 feet 8 inches (2275.84 cm) long and she has more to add! Do check it out, it is wonderfully amazing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Over halfway there!

Well, I have passed the halfway mark for my NaBloPoMo challenge of posting daily on my blog for a month! I was not sure I would make it this far. My friend Sandra has helped by sending me pictures of things I have made her and thus giving me the idea to post some of the things she has made me. Now I just need to think of topics for the rest of the month. Oh boy!  =]    Keep your fingers crossed.

And because all good blog posts should have a picture........

Miss Maddie looking out back through the sliding door glass and pushing aside those nasty vertical blinds that get in the way!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Pictures from Sandra

Continuing with the month of Sandra, she sent me a picture of a beaded bracelet I made her for me to post here and show you all. I made her a red one because she told me that is her fovorite color!

Monday, February 14, 2011

**UPDATE** Happy Velentines Day!! & Valentine Swap

UPDATE: my Valentine has revealed herself! It was none other than Kim V and on her blog
The Wooley Stitcher she has a tutorial on how she did the great heart shape box. So check it out.

Original post is below:
Parsley over at Seasons of My Mind organized a Valentine Day Swap. She collected names of people who wanted to do the swap and sent out a questionnaire to help us send things that our swap partner would like.  Then on February 14 everyone is supposed to post on their blog what they got. A kind of virtual Valentine’s Day Party.

 I decided to participate and here are the great items I got from an unknown person from Seeley Lake, Montana. My swap partner did not sign the box, so all I have is the mailing  the address. So if you are reading this, THANKS for the Valentine’s Day gifts. The heart shape box is very nicely finished from top to bottom and inside out. I love Mr. Goodbar and collect roosters so the box was full of great stuff.  I sent my gifts to Cat in Michigan (she blogs at  Kitty Cat Cross Stitch Blog) so I am not sure who my Valentine is, but they did nice work.
The inside of the box - including the top is so beautifully lined and even the outside bottom is covered with the same brown fabric as the inside of the lid. My Valentine did a geat job on the box and pretty stitching too.
This was a lot of fun - THANKS!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sampler Guild of The Rockies

Today is the monthly meeting of Sampler Guild of The Rockies. I just love this group. We have lots of neat projects, intersting talks, workshops, surprises and very nice and friendly folk. Very good attendance too. I can't wait to get there! If you are within driving distance of Denver, you should consider visiting us. Information can be found at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Christmas Tree Skirt Made by Sandra

Here is another Christmas item my friend made for me. I use it every year since she gave it to me. It is too pretty to leave in a drawer and I just love the colors and the piecing. It is perfect for our tree (we have an artificial tree). Many years ago when we had a male dog, I decided an artificial tree was best, I did not want him to think  we were providing him with indoor plumbing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crazy Socks

Parsley over at Seasons of My Mind thought it would be fun to have a craziest socks exchange in blogland. On her Feb. 7 post she suggested that on Feb. 11 we post a picture on our blog of our craziest socks. So here is a pair of my craziest socks. Maybe not as crazy as some, but they are for me!! Everyone participating is supposed to post a picture of thier socks on their blog  and then comment back on Parsley's blog so we can all check out everyone’s socks. So stop by her blog too and see all the socks.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some Great Stitching Gifts

Today I thought I would show you some pictures of some Christmas items my friend Sandra has made for me over the years as I mentioned I would in a previous postBoth are banners that I hang in various places in my house at Christmas time. 

February is turning out to be the month of Sandra! I hope she does not mind.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miss Maddie

Not sure I have ever seen a more relaxed dog.

We rescued Miss Maddie in July of 2008 and she has blossomed and made herself right at home. It seems to be a gradual process, but my husband and I noticed about 6 – 8 months ago she just seemed to have made herself at home. She sleeps deeper, has learned to snoop around the kitchen floor after dinner and even tries to get me to give her dinner scraps. She is polite about it, not wining or barking just those cute brown eyes looking deep into mine and those perky Labrador ears. Oh don’t forget the wagging tail. When we got her she was very overweight and we got her down to a healthy size, so I try real hard not to give her any people food. But I admit I break down. But I only give her a little taste, and not all the time. We do not want a return of the chunky monkey.

She gets up from her bed and comes over to one of us, sits close and looks up waiting to be petted. Sometimes she gets pushy about it, but all she wants is a hello and a pat on the head. Then she goes and lies back down.  Kind of like she is just checking in.  Also about 8 months ago I noticed that she  seems to have discovered the merits of belly rubs, and will spontaneously roll over for one, out of the blue. You will be standing there, she sits, looks up at you and bam rolls over and lifts her paws waiting for the rub!  She just seems to act like she belongs now – and she DOES!! We are so glad we have her.

See the stuffed duck closest to her head?? She has had that since Christmas of 2009!! The honk has long gone out of it, but the rest of it is in good shape. She has had the rabbit since September 2010. Currently both these stuffed toys are gifts from my friend Sandra. She is the easiest dog on stuffed animals. But I gave her a kong once and she chewed it to pieces. Luckily I was keeping my eye on her and took it away before she actually ate any.

I guess that about covers it for now, these pictures are making me sleepy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Festival of Broken Needles

February 8 in Japan is the Festival of Broken Needles. It is a day to honor our used needles. Apparently in Japan the used needles are placed in tofu in the temple and released down a river. I don’t have any tofu, nor would I like to place these in the river, but I do have a system which I will tell you about in a bit. First a little background and Susan over at Plays with Needles explains it much better than I on her Feb 7 post.

The Festival was also a recent topic by Carol-Anne over at Stichin fingers.  I like her idea of spending time doing something with our needles or something related to them such as  organizing them, making a needle book, etc.  This is great if you don’t happen to have any used needles ready for disposal.  

I heard of this festival many years ago and saved any “bad” needles in an old prescription bottle for disposal. I remove the prescription label, keep the child proof cap on and put on a new label or mark it  “Bad Needles”. Problem was I never knew the date or details behind the event! Well now I know, and I happen to have some broken needles, so today I will ceremoniously dispose of the bottle and start a new one.  Here is the bottle before I thank them for their service and toss them in the trash.
So today honor your needles that make it possible to create our beloved needlework projects and please dispose of them properly. Did I ever tell you I was the safety officer at work?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pretty Placemats

Yesterday I promised to show you some of the great things my college roommate, Sandra, has made for me over our years of friendship.

Today I am sharing front and back pictures of one of a set of four placemats she made me when I moved into my first apartment and lived all by my self like a big girl. I love the shape and the size (20” x 15”) is perfect.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Blast of Stitching from the past

I still keep in touch with my college roommate, Sandra. We lived through graduate school together at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Where I earned a Master of Science Degree and she earned her PhD. We both used our needlework skills to relax a little during that time I think. She sewed and I cross stitched. She also is a quilter and I ventured out to other forms of stitching and crafts as well.

Over the years I have made her things and she sent me some reminder photos in case I wanted to use them on my blog. What a great idea! Especially since they are projects I did not photograph before I sent them to her. She has made me some nice things too and I will try and post them for you this month as well.  Here are two stitched pictures I made for that fit her perfectly! (If I may say so myself).

Sandra is a sewer and quilter who also loves cats. While we roomed together she had a black cat named Daisy and I had a tortoise shell name Martha (we adopted the cats to keep them together and they came named). So when I saw this it had her name all over it.

It is a Calico Crossroads Kit called “Kitty Litter” and looking at the initials and date at lower left I must have finished it in 2000.

She was born and lives in New York State, so the next one was pretty obvious too.

This is a Victoria Sampler kit in their series of states that included a new stitch to learn. I think this one focused on the Sprat’s Hat stitch which is the light blue band below the words New York. Not sure the year I did this.

A big shout out of THANKS to Sandra for sending these!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stitch In Public Day

February is National Embroidery Month and the Embroiderers Guild of American, Inc. as suggested that today we Stitch In Public. So weather permitting head out to the mall or the library or any public place with your stitcing and go to it. Have fun!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

A blog post a day for a month!?

Ever hear of NaBloPoMo  National Blog Posting Month?  I just realized I am well on my way with this challenge for February!  The challenge is to post something on your blog every day for a month.  It started out a few years ago that you would post everyday for the month of November. Well I am waaaay too busy to even think about posting everyday that month so I never tried it. Now you can do it for any month, so I may just give it a go this month! But I do want my daily posts to be a bit more informative and interesting than just a “hi I posted” so it could get tough as the month goes on. But I figure I can always try again.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

TUSAL February

Here are my ort jars for the TUSAL. The little one is one I made a pin cushion out of the top a number of years ago and I keep by my stitching chair. It has the orts from the last new moon to today. The bigger jar is the one I am putting the orts from the small jar in each month after I take a picture of the small jar. Got it?? Good. Phew!

Happy New Moon Everyone!!

Winter came with a vengence!

Looks like a huge percentage of us will have something in common right about now besides stitching and that is living through the massive storm of Feb 2011! Let us hope that is the last big one for the rest of the winter and we can all get on with warmer, less windy & drier days. I am looking forward to our heatwave (forcast says 37 degrees today)!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


P.S. my thermometer is not pink! I  had to angle the picture and use no flash to avoid a glare.
Glad I am not in Chicago though looks tough.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cookies anyone??

I just found a great oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe and just had to share. It is OUT OF THIS WORLD YUMMY!! It was developed for high altitude, but she gives the sea level suggestion for those of you not as high up in the world.  ; )

I did not have enough oatmeal to make a full recipe (I halved it) and I only had mini chocolate chips. But they came out GREAT! I made 2 dozen and I live with a cookie monster husband (I am no slacker either) so I hate to say it, but they could all be gone by nightfall! Yes they are that good (and we are that bad).