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............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Monday, February 14, 2011

**UPDATE** Happy Velentines Day!! & Valentine Swap

UPDATE: my Valentine has revealed herself! It was none other than Kim V and on her blog
The Wooley Stitcher she has a tutorial on how she did the great heart shape box. So check it out.

Original post is below:
Parsley over at Seasons of My Mind organized a Valentine Day Swap. She collected names of people who wanted to do the swap and sent out a questionnaire to help us send things that our swap partner would like.  Then on February 14 everyone is supposed to post on their blog what they got. A kind of virtual Valentine’s Day Party.

 I decided to participate and here are the great items I got from an unknown person from Seeley Lake, Montana. My swap partner did not sign the box, so all I have is the mailing  the address. So if you are reading this, THANKS for the Valentine’s Day gifts. The heart shape box is very nicely finished from top to bottom and inside out. I love Mr. Goodbar and collect roosters so the box was full of great stuff.  I sent my gifts to Cat in Michigan (she blogs at  Kitty Cat Cross Stitch Blog) so I am not sure who my Valentine is, but they did nice work.
The inside of the box - including the top is so beautifully lined and even the outside bottom is covered with the same brown fabric as the inside of the lid. My Valentine did a geat job on the box and pretty stitching too.
This was a lot of fun - THANKS!


Parsley said...

Fun goodies! I'm so glad you joined in. Please comment on my post today so all can visit.

Your partner was Kim if I remember right.

Kathy A. said...

What a lovely Valentine's treat. You are right - that box is gorgeous. I hope you find out who your Valentine was.

Unknown said...

Mary... I'm so sorry I forgot to sign your box! lol
I hope you liked it!
(I'm your Valentine by the way)
I had a great time finding things and planning your box, peach being your favorite color I chose that for the flower and the rooster calendar was perfect. You like peanut clusters but I thought unwrapped candy probably not a good idea... a Mr Goodbar was the perfect choice!
Happiest of Valentines!

Sue said...

Beautiful gifts that you received.

Christine said...

Such a lovely gift, the box is beautiful.

Sun City Stitcher said...

Kim - not to worry about not signing! I loved what you sent and Mr. Goodbar is my favorite candy bar! Have a great day!

Michelle said...

A beautiful Valentine's Day gift!