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............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Move update & dead duck (sort of)

Move went well, now we are in a hotel while the new house gets painted and a few ceiling fans are put in. Miss Maddie is handling the change quite well, but I discovered her beloved duck has a tear in it and all my sewing stuff is in storage! She has had this duck since Christmas 2009 and it had not "honked" for at least a 9 months, so I think new house means a new duck for Maddie!


Anna van Schurman said...

You know you can buy squeakers to put the honk back into dogs' toys? (But I bet you have the AKC toy that really honks. They make a rabbit Stella loves--and it honks...curious.)

Sun City Stitcher said...
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Sun City Stitcher said...

I did not know that about the squeekers. Sounds like Maddie may have the same rabbit as Stella. I thought the same thing about it honking - odd!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Those toys, like Maddies duck, hold up so well. My dogs love 'em, too!

Debby said...

I'm sorry you have to spend time in a hotel, but will be worth it to have everything done! I think Maddie deserves a new toy just because of all the confusion she's gone through!!!!! Good luck with the last phase and the fun of unpacking!

Debby said...

I hope the final work goes quickly and then you can unpack and enjoy. I think Maddie deserves a new toy - I'm sure this is a stressful time for her!