
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sampler Guild of the Rockies Sewing Box - update

As you may know from some previous posts I am working on a Sampler Guild of the Rockies (SGR) project called a French Sewing Box. Everyone who finishes by the September 12 meeting gets a surprise gift. And by finished they mean stitched and inserted into the box. Here is my progress so far - I have inserted the top.

The next step is to line the inside and insert the bottom. I missed the meeting that passed out the kits with the cardboard to use as the lining so I need to get something. I am thinking poster board. I used (and am using) mat board for the round inserts. The top was not problem and I created a paper template for the bottom so I think that will be ok. I just need to get the stuff for the lining. Did I tell you this is "due" in 3 days?


Teresa S. said...

I love your guild project! Why doesn't my local guild do great projects like this one??:(

Meadows08 said...

It's turning out wonderful!

Cole said...

Well, it's looking great so far!! Good luck meeting the deadline, you can do it!! :)

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Beautiful! I know you can do it!

Christine said...

That is lovely.
If you mean cardboard to curve around the sides, I would suggest using cereal box card or an old greetings card

Lynn said...

Looks great so far! Good luck with the deadline.

Patty C. said...

It's looking wonderful
Great finishing ;)

Daffycat said...

3 days! You better get rollin' girl! LOL It's looking great so far!