
(c) 2009 - 2024 (MEM)

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rotation System Update and FINISHES (of a sort)

While organizing and cataloging my WIPs?UFOs I came up with a weekly rotation system to try to reduce some of this stash. The Rotation I chose was:
  1. Specialty/Beading
  2. Needlepoint
  3. XS/Embroidery
  4. New/gifts/stitcher's choice
I have since added a 5th category which is FINISHING. Well last week was the week for finishing, but I had a head cold that really made me tired and my thinking capacity was not working so well. I barely picked up a needle all week. So I decided to extend the finishing week into this week. Besides the Heart Perforated Paper Needlebook I posted about already (on Feb. 27), I also worked on all the accessories left from the cyberclass I took in 2000 through ANG with Carole Lake called Glitzy Accessories. I had finished the nametag and scissor fob years ago, and all the stitching for the others, but not the final steps. Well, this week (so far) I have gotten everything lined and sewn together (if applicable) and filled the frame weight (I really wanted to use lead shot, but hard to find, so settled for pennies). I am at the point of making the twisted cord and tassels for everything. I discovered I need one more skein of watercolors, though for the twisted cord and/or one more perle cotton - so they may not get done this week unless I can get to the shop soon.

Now on to the pictures!
 From left to right, needlebook, scissor case, laying tool case, scissor fob and frame weight.

 A closer look (from left to right) of scissor fob, scissor case and frame weight. Note scissor fob has the cording and tassel. It is kind of big for a scissor fob (at least to me) so I have been hanging it from the knob of our china cabinet all this time. I used the two colors (a light blue and light green) of perle cotton for this cord. I made watercolor cord for the laying tool case last night and will soon have a twisted cord nail placed in my studio  so I can make more cord. I am putting it in behind the door so it will not show - but I could hang a picture on it too - but it for security I wanted it on a stud, so of course it is not center. My hubby did not like the nail I chose and decided a hook would be better. He is going to get me one tonight and put it in the stud. I can still hang something over it to cover the hook if I want too, but it will be hidden by the door. I chose this wall for it since it is behind a door and I can get 10 - 12 feet away which would make some really long twisted cord!!

 A closer look (from left to right) of  laying tool case case and needlebook.

Happy Leap Day Everyone!!


Kathy A. said...

WOW!!! What an amazing collection. Your work is beautiful!

Theresa said...

Wow!!! What a beautiful set!!!! Your work is amazing!!

Nancy said...

Very nice finishing!

gracie said...

Good plans...beautiful finishes.

Deborah said...

All the smalls are just stunning!

Deb said...

Your work is beautiful. Each piece is just stunning.

BamaCarol said...

Beautiful work. I've made frame weights and put aquarium gravel in them before. I made a small fabric version of the frame weight that would fit inside of the finished one and put the gravel in it to keep the bits from falling out or from the dust to come through the weight.

Jen Bailey said...

Weree you able to find the thread that you were looking for? Any other great finds at the market party?

Patty C. said...

So pretty -

Sun City Stitcher said...

@ Jen, yes she had the watercolours color I needed. Did not have time to take advantage of the market party :(

@BamaCarol: I made a little muslin bag for the pennies and she did also suggest washed aquarium gravel, but I just used what I had on hand.

@everyone, thanks for the nice comments on my work. You all have a great day!!!

Blu said...

Wow! Those are incredible! I just love the colours. They make me think of the beach.

Kalu V said...

truly beautiful! love the colors ♥