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............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Thursday, October 25, 2012


We got two inches at my house, could be more tonight. Good thing this is my telework day and I don't have to drive on the slippery roads. We will see about tomorrow, tomorrow!

 Patio furniture shot.

 Out my studio window, snow sticking to the trees. Good thing the wind last week blew most of the leaves off this honey locust.

This is our pine tree hanging in there with snow covered branches.

I see hot chocolate in my future today!


Terri said...

Brrrr! I'm glad it's you and not me! :-)

Hope it goes away soon!

Patti-Rocky Mtn Stitcher said...

Lokiks like my backyard. Made me want to stay homeand snuggle & stitch all day!

Cath said...

NO!!! It's way too early in the year for snow . That said , I've heard that northern parts of Britain are likely to get some this coming weekend. And people still say that climate change is not a problem ?!

Kerry said...

Wow, that must have been a shock. Here in south western Ontario we are only getting rain for the next 6 days. Today is beautiful and sunny and warm, but the leaves are falling like crazy! I am sure our time will come soon though.

Deb said...

Oh, I hope that it's not coming this way. I'm not ready. Definitely pull out the hot chocolate!

Susan @ Afford Your Passions said...

Stay safe (and warm!!)

dixiesamplar said...

Lovely! Stay warm...