Final report on the Sampler Guild of the Rockies June Retreat:
I will try to show things in order of the day, but might get off a bit (as if it really mattered)!
This is what was at our table as we sat down. It was in a plastic bag, but I took this photo at home. A pair of craft scissors, a pencil, some applique pins and a notebook.
This is my seat at the table. See the great houses made out of pretty card stock and the tree pin cushion/place holder with name (Mary)? My neighbors had other colored houses, while mine was blue.
Now lets look at what was inside the house! Picture also taken at home. A Lizzie n Kate with fabric and floss, a notepad and pen donated by a local shop and a MOUSE pin cushion. I love THIS kind of mouse in my house!
Our first project of the day was a wool applique ort keep which I ended up working on all day and finished that night (see previous post). Here is the picture of the model.
Our next project is a cute needle holder that rolls up. Here is the model. There are places for the different sized needles and our initials at the bottom.
There were breaks throughout the day to shop at the tables (we could sell stuff there if we wanted) and door prizes handed out. Here are some of the door prizes and not all were the same. I cute little cloth ort holder made by some members, a Vera Bradley ID purse and a great scissor fob made by one of our members.
I think by now it must have been time for lunch. We had a nice soup and salad lunch with chocolate or pistachio pie for dessert (I chose chocolate). You can see my pin cushion tree is holding my place at the lunch table.
After lunch there was more time to shop, more door prizes and PROJECTS!! I will show you photos I took of the models since I only worked on the wool applique and lets face it even I can't stitch fast enough to finish them all in a day!!
This was a nice ornament.
The kit for this next project were in our house. This part of the retreat we learned how to make a stand up using cut up foam core. The cut to size foam core, batting, backing and side fabrics were provided and oral instructions given on how to make it into this stand-up. It is pretty easy. The technique has a name which I do not recall, but when I actually do the finishing I will give you the name and maybe be brave and do a tutorial! Probably will just find a good tutorial and provide the link - we'll see.
Not sure why this posted sideways when I cropped and saved it upright, but our final project was a cute house bookmark. Once we have done the stitching we place it (with heat n bond, or similar) to a grosgrain ribbon (provided).
So by the end of the day a GREAT time was had by all, the final door prize I received was a pretty vase of yellow Iris which I forgot to take a photo of - oops.
Stash was enhanced and I have a few projects to complete once I am done with the sampler I am working on, or if I need a break from the sampler, I may start one of the projects - they were all fantastic after all!!
Looks like lots of fun!!!!! Sorry I missed it.
Yep...the ONLY kind of mouse to have in the house! EEEeeek!!
You went home with some great goodies.
The wool applique is cute!
Great finishes, it looks like a wonderful time!
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