August 4 - 5, 2022 I took a class with Susan Hoekstra called The Game Is On!
Note: I obtained verbal permission to post photos of the instructor's piece and my progress.
As you see it is a checkerboard. The kit came complete with the frame and checkers! Oh and threads too.
Here is my progress during class.
This last photo is also my progress to date. I have not worked on it since the seminar. It is on a 16"x16" stretcher bars and I can't work on it in my stitching nest without clunking the dog in the head when I turn it on my floor stand! So, I had planned to work on the other seminar pieces first and then do this in my studio somehow. As you know those plans did not work out, but there is always 2024!
Some more pretty views from the hotel. We got a bit of rain.
Another attempt using the pano option on my phone.
I had a great time in Tucson and hope to get back to those fun projects soon!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm SO glad you're working on the checkerboard. I was fortunate enough to have pilot stitched this for Susan and love it. I even blogged about it.
PS Just found your blog and am enjoying your posts.
Very nice pattern and progress.
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