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Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, everything on my blog is copyright material of some sort. Either by me (as picture taker, writer, creator) or more importantly by the designer of the needlework pieces I present. If you promise to be copyright mindful, my promise to you is to do my best to provide you enough information in my post for you to obtain your own legal copy. Please be respectful of these copyrights and not take business away from our wonderful designers. Thank you.
............. . ."She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight" Proverbs 31:13 NAS

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Another Crocheted Bag

This one is for my niece Emily, she is the older (by minutes) fraternal twin sister of my niece Laura for whom I made the bag I posted about here. But this time I did a mesh stitch and used Lily's Sugar and Cream color called Over the Rainbow! I used the free pattern that came with the ball of yarn.

I could not figure out the instructions for the handle, so I did my own thing with that. It is triple crochet. I thought that stitch would go best with the mesh, and I made it long enough so that it should not be in the way when filling the bag.

I have really enjoyed making this for my niece and thought of her and my mom as I was making the bag. Which is one of the joys of making things for people, I think of them while I am stitching or crafting, or whatever.

I love the mesh look and yarn so much I am making a scarf for myself and will post about that another time.

1 comment:

Goldylox99 said...

It's beautiful! You are going to lure me back into crocheting!