- I am an organized person and a planning fool (for the most part)
- Without some sort of plan of action I seem to run willy nilly and collect more projects
- There is flexibility in the plan (the new category)
- It is not cast in stone and there are no WIP police so I can stop or alter the plan at anytime.
Enjoy your day!!
Just did your "What Flower are You" quiz - I'm a Canna. Ok!
Oh, come on list all of your stash - DH isn't reading your blog!
I wish I were as organized as you. I have all the best intentions of starting out that way but when I enter a room to do ONE thing I see TEN others that distract me.
Did I happen to mention...I am EASILY distracted!
Truth be told, I do sort of follow a rotation schedule but the minute I put it down on paper it all falls apart. I don't like being told, even by myself!, that I have to stitch a certain item on a certain day. Plus I can change my mind on a dime!
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